Charlie today

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daddy's Boy

Daddy's little guy

Mom's baby boy

Quintessential Charlie

 This is Charlie. Exploratory, curious, active. He wants to have a tactile report on what is going on in his world, and he will stop at nothing to get the info. Infant swats reveal so much about the boy within ....

Charlie in Spring 2008

Staying hydrated

As summertime rolls in, I'm quenching my thirst with water and mother's milk. They let me hold my own sippy cup which is fun even though I wind up pretty wet after after a drinking session. In this foto, I've decorated my green eggs and ham bib with more delicious avocado. 

First Food

When I turned 6 months, they finally let me have some real food. They first thing they feed me was avocado. I was photographed for the event. It was hard at first, since I didn't know what to do with the food when it was in my mouth. Also, I'm not sure why they wouldn't let me hold the spoon. I was wearing a bib, and I made sure to share the food with the bib. I got the clean plate award on my first feeding. Later into the week, I started to feel like a real pro at feeding time. Maybe one day I'll get my own chair at the table...